Patent Attorney

experience in the electronic industry
Attorney Marcos E. Garciaacosta is a Patent Attorney. Marcos has a solid background in engineering and a long career in the high-tech industry. He earned a Bachelor degree in electronic engineering and a Master degree in Industrial Management.
His law degree and patent law certification is complemented with long experience in the electronic industry, in companies such as Intel Corporation.
Marcos’ unique education and professional background makes him to stand out among his peers.
Patent Law for the Creative Classes
The completion of the Patent Law studies allows him to offer a new line of service for his diverse clients from small business, entrepreneurs, inventors to corporations.
Patent News
Google Widens Crack-Down Against “Fakes” and Counterfeits
The war against "fakes" or counterfeit merchandise is getting real and now involves Google. We already blogged about it. On our June 26th piece, we explained how Amazon is blocking third-party counterfeits or fake products from its platform. This action triggered...
Amazon Wants All Its Sellers to be Intellectual Property Compliant
Amazon is protecting itself from intellectual property liability forcing sellers to get proactive on IP law.
Primer: Copyrights, Trademarks, and Patents
Around 500 BCE the government in Sybaris, the ancient city of Magna Graecia, started granting a one-year patent to any citizen for any “new refinement in luxury.” The Greeks, contributors of so many advances in the arts, philosophy, science, and government were the...
Hackers Making Selective Changes to Trademark Filings Underscore the Value of IP Assets
Bad guys are always looking to profit from other people’s properties and intellectual property (such as trademarks) is not the exception. You may be surprised that, yes, people steal businesses names, logos, copyrighted material, and that bad actors are getting...
Walmart and Amazon file patents that increase workers surveillance
A new Big Brother era may be coming to a store near you and even be part of your work environment soon. This month Walmart was awarded a US patent for a new listening system for its stores that could pick up communications from shoppers and workers alike, raising...