Team Mezcal Carreño Protects Its Brand While Offering Tradition and Sabor
Millennial entrepreneurs bring to Arizona an artisanal mezcal from Oaxaca, protecting their brand with USPTO.
Millennial entrepreneurs bring to Arizona an artisanal mezcal from Oaxaca, protecting their brand with USPTO.
Amazon is protecting itself from intellectual property liability forcing sellers to get proactive on IP law.
Persons can be powerful marketing tools who can command millions of dollars in revenue. We are talking of celebrities and influencers such as Ariana Grande selling and endorsing products. Recently, two litigation cases have been reported about the unappropriated...
Beverage entrepreneurs most protect their marketing efforts filing trademarks.
Restaurants owners and food entrepreneurs must consider to trademark their valuable brands and protect all intellectual property.
To maintain the accuracy and integrity of trademark registration, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has announced that foreign-domiciled trademark applicants and parties must hire a US licensed attorney to process the applications and represent...
Cities and other public entities can also protect trademarks and other intellectual properties for branding purposes.
You now can trademark cannabis products and services but with important limitations.
Mientras que las iglesias atienden el bienestar espiritual de los individuos, su relación con el mundo real es más mundana. Legalmente hablando, las iglesias, mezquitas, sinagogas, templos, etc. están estructuradas como corporaciones sin fines de lucro, con todos...
Most intellectual property news do not surface to the mainstream media and stay in the realm of niche business and IP news. But periodically, an IP story captures the media’s attention. This is the case of FUCT, a clothing line which is fighting a trademark...