The Brave World of New Beverages
Beverage entrepreneurs most protect their marketing efforts filing trademarks.
Waiver I-212: Permission to Reapply for a Visa After Deportation
Deportation is a very painful event, especially if the individual has tenuous or no ties with his or her country of origin. It is definitely a life-altering event. Many deportees face penalties of 5 years, 10 years or 20 years away from the USA, depending on the...
Abogado en California Demanda Dueños de Restaurantes y Bares por Violaciones a Derechos de Autor
Cuidado! Abogado anima a otros a violar las leyes de derecho de autor y demanda por las violaciones..
Estos errores pueden hacerle perder tu negocio.
Intellectual Property: The Ingredient Food Entrepreneurs Should Not Miss
Restaurants owners and food entrepreneurs must consider to trademark their valuable brands and protect all intellectual property.
Worksite Raids: How to Manage Contacts with ICE
Business owners must prepare for a possible workplace raid by ICE-DHS
Cartas Poder Para la Protección de Menores en Caso de Detención
Los immigrantes deben estar preparados con Cartas Poder -Power of Attorney- para cualquier eventualidad.
New rule. Foreign US Trademark Applicants Must Be Represented By US Attorney
To maintain the accuracy and integrity of trademark registration, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has announced that foreign-domiciled trademark applicants and parties must hire a US licensed attorney to process the applications and represent...
Roswell, New Mexico, Trademarks a New Logo
Cities and other public entities can also protect trademarks and other intellectual properties for branding purposes.
Now You Can Trademark Cannabis Products and Services, with Limitations
You now can trademark cannabis products and services but with important limitations.
No-Match Surge. What Employers Need to Know
In another effort to make the lives of undocumented immigrants unbearable, the Trump administration, via the Social Security Administration (SSA), has been sending more than 570,000 communications to businesses across the country of the so-called ‘no-match...