Business Owners’ Responsibilities with Employees While Operating in a COVID19 World
Owners must adapt to the COVID19 world now that business are about to be opened. Caring for the health of employees is key.
¿Cuáles son Mis Responsabilidades Como Dueño de Negocio Durante la Pandemia?
Tratando de evitar una caída más acentuada de la economía, muchos estados están permitiendo la apertura de negocios en medio de la pandemia del COVID19 en los Estados Unidos. Eso, a pesar de que algunos estados todavía presentan la posibilidad de perder el control...
Advance Directives. The Lowdown
To know the basics of Advance Directives is an important topic we must include in our conversations with our families. The global pandemic due to COVID19 has changed our lives in so many ways. Most health care systems around the world were not prepared for the...
Free Legal Disclaimer for COVID19 Open-Source Creators and Makers
We are inspired by the efforts of the maker and "hacker" community in the efforts to create open-source Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during the COVID19 pandemic. Most of these creators are young people with abilities in laser cutting and 3D printing devices...
Legal Considerations for Producers of Homemade COVID-19 Protective Equipment
There are a lot of people of goodwill in the USA and the world making emergency supplies and equipment to protect against COVID-19. These actions are laudable and are a community response to the threat of flooding of cases of COVID-19 in hospitals. But we must keep...
Intellectual Property, Open Source, and Coronavirus
There is controversy about how the generation of intellectual property should be handled in the case of a national pandemic. Some are trying to assert and defend the role of private businesses to protect their discoveries and developments of test kits, vaccines,...
Negocios, Contratos y el Coronavirus
Negocios, Contratos y el Coronavirus
Businesses, Contracts and the Coronavirus
The transmission of the novel coronavirus or COVID-19 in communities across the world and the United States is starting to cause disruptions in the way business is conducted. You can not longer visit places like Italy, China, and South Korea, and nationally, it is...
LLC or C Corp? Filing for the Wrong Entity can Bring Problems
Filing the paperwork to start a business in the USA is relatively easy. Many persons do it by themselves without the help of an attorney. This is great and painless most of the times but business owners need to know the different obligations that regulatory...
Trademarks: Trends for 2020 and the New Decade
A new year has started and we pinpoint three important trends in the trademark and intellectual protection world: Increased interest to protect intellectual property through registered trademarks. The last decade analysts saw a marked increase of trademark filings....