Advance Directives. The Lowdown

Apr 28, 2020

To know the basics of Advance Directives is an important topic we must include in our conversations with our families.

The global pandemic due to COVID19 has changed our lives in so many ways. Most health care systems around the world were not prepared for the deluge of patients that overcrowed their facilities. Family members are forced to make life and death decisions for the patients.

In spite of the challenges, life will return to some level of normality.

One thing that does not change is the need to be prepared for any eventuality and advance directives are something to consider. As our dear friend journalist and writer, Terry Greene Sterling wrote in the title of an opinion piece, “No one wants to think about dying. But now may be a good time to get an advance directive.”

Read the article here, and an audio piece here of Terry’s article.

As Terry stated in her piece, the elaboration of an advance directive gives you control over the end of your life so you can go from this world under your own terms. This directive liberates your family members from taking decisions you may not approve. In a crisis, advanced directives may also relieve moral and legal burdens. For example, doctors and health care workers may allocate scarce resources to patients with a better outlook, thanks to your directives.

In your directives, you must consider the cost (physically, emotionally, and financially) of medical procedures, quality of life, your comfort as well as the alternative uses of the medical resources.

The Secretary of State in Arizona has samples of the paperwork and instructions to prepare medical advance directives. You should consult with your attorney to get a comprehensive approach to how you want to live the rest of your days on your terms.

Medical advance directives should be a part of a comprehensive package of documents related to your life decisions. This may include including wills, trusts, and others. Documents such as intellectual property management and business succession plans should be considered depending on your needs.

Marcos E. Garciaacosta is a Business and Intellectual Property attorney based in the Phoenix metro area. Marcos is the Managing Attorney and founder of Legal Business Global a boutique law firm dedicated to the creation and preservation of wealth for its clients.

Marcos offers free consultations scheduling an appointment at (480) 324-6378.

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