

Status of Immigration in the USA

A lot of people, citizens and immigrants alike, are worried about the events taking place in the last few weeks with respect at new immigration directives from the government as well as new enforcement. This is a very fluid stage and you can expect more changes....

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Donald, Michael and China

There is a lot of ruckus around the Trump family business assets and the way they may benefit with the exposure they are having globally now that Donald Trump is president of the most powerful country in the world.Donald Trump has built his recent empire, after...

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Negocios de Inmigrantes

​Haz obtenido el sueño Americano creando tu propio negocio, generas riqueza, empleas gente, pagas impuestos. Sin embargo, estas sin documentos migratorios. Qué hacer si llegas a ser detenida o no eres capaz de seguir manejando tu negocio?En casos...

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Cartas Poder para Menores

Si usted corre el riesgo de ser detenido o deportado por las autoridades migratorias, debe de tomar acciones proactivas para poder lograr de que su familia se encuentre segura, especialmente los menores.Esto involucra el tener documentos relevantes de su familia en...

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Your Brands, your assets. How to protect them!

You are excited about your new business. You have great products and people love your service. Most likely the main value of your business will be your company and products brands. Just like a child's name, you want to pick a brand not only that you will like,...

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Recap CES 2017, ready for CES 2018!!!

Entrance at the Las Vegas Convention Center, January 2017 Thank you CES 2017, See you soon CES 2018!!! Another CES came and went. As I always say, CES is where you go to peek into the future. Evolution of any kind, be biological, geological or technological, is a...

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Protect How Your Ideas Look and Feel

You have an idea. Now what? In the United States inventions are covered by patents. The characteristics of the invention will determine the patent type you should apply for. Design patents cover the ornamental, non functional features of a product. A design patent...

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Monterrey INC. Gran Evento Emprendedor Internacional

Este año, 2016, tuve la fortuna de participar en la conferencia INCMTY. Como el nombre lo indica el evento se llevo a cabo en la Cd. de Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, México, y tiene un enfoque de negocios. Piensen en un South by Southwest Latino. Es el...

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