

When a Jury can not agree

Today I want to welcome and thank  Bhavini Mistry for her contribution on what happens when a jury can not achieve a decision. Please enjoy her post below. Bhavini is currently preparing for the LSAT and plans to attend law school next year.Recently...

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Where there is a Will can be Princely Litigation

The King of Pop had them, but Prince did not. Juan Gabriel, the Divo South of the Border had several in different jurisdictions. That is wills and trusts. This memorial week may be the beginning of the end as far as the estate of Prince is concerned. The artist who...

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Don’t get Beyonce’s BLUES, IVY BLUES

​After the birth of their daughter, Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s filed an application to register their daughter’s name BLUE IVY as a federal trademark.  This application has been challenged by a LA-based event planning company. The firm...

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Opciones para Proteger sus Bienes: Trusts o Fideicomisos

Un "trust" o fideicomiso es un acuerdo entre individuos u organizaciones en la que una entidad transfiere un bien o derecho de propiedad a otro, con el fin de que lo controle y administre en beneficio de terceras entidades o personas. Los beneficiarios pueden ser...

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Proteja sus Bienes Personales y de Negocios

He tenido la oportunidad y fortuna de ser invitado a varios eventos y presentaciones, así como entrevistas en radio y en otros medios.Aquí les comparto un programa que hice con Sandra Orozco, de Tecnomundo, en el área de Phoenix. Sandra tiene un...

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Intellectual Property

Introduction to Intellectual Property 

One of the things I love about my job is the opportunity to meet people from many backgrounds and help them understand better their creative assets. Back in early March, I had the opportunity to talk at a co-working space in Phoenix called Co-Hoots. The audience...

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Foot in Mouth by Southwest

Stick to your knitting is a lesson that folks at the South by Southwest festival should take at heart and stop freelancing as immigration and deportation officials. Famous Austin's festival South By Southwest is taking heat for threatening international bands with...

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To H1B or not H1B

As a former beneficiary of the H1B visa and now a US citizen, I empathize with the confusion, frustration, and bewilderment many professionals are feeling not only with the recent announcements in immigration policies but specifically with changes in professional...

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Status of Immigration in the USA

A lot of people, citizens and immigrants alike, are worried about the events taking place in the last few weeks with respect at new immigration directives from the government as well as new enforcement. This is a very fluid stage and you can expect more changes....

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