Despite contributing to the economy of this country by trillions of dollars, undocumented immigrants have been subjected to the unjust and hateful propaganda of Trump’s rhetoric. Trump supporters willfully ignore the immigrants’ positive impact on our economy. Many do not envision immigrant business owners as successful individuals who create jobs for themselves and others, but there are many exemplary individuals working hard every day.
Please review the statistics of the increasing immigrant economic output compared with the decreasing costs of what immigrants take.
Trump has promised a deportation force and even threatened to build concentration camps to hold immigrants before their potential deportation, and understandably, all immigrants are scared of their future.
What measures can immigrant business owners take to fight back against Trump’s deportation machine?
10 actions immigrant business owners can take to fight Trump’s deportation force:
1.-Stay informed. Knowledge is power, especially when disinformation may run rampant. Do not trust all information on the Internet; verify the sources.
2.-Immigrant business owners should organize their companies and be prepared to transfer the administration of their businesses to capable and loyal individuals with the proper documents in place.
3.- Get all your identifications handy. Get a current passport from your country of origin, copies of birth certificates for you and your family, copies of birth certificates of your close relatives born in the USA, and the USA passports of your children born in the USA.
4.-Prepare powers of attorney for your family.
5.-Prepare power of attorney for your business.
6.- Collect all passwords and information online for your personal and business accounts, such as bank apps, online accounts, website passwords, and social media accounts. Make sure you can access your financial accounts online from your native country.
7.-Reserve money to fight your case. Save money for a lawyer’s engagement and bail between 10k to 30k per person.
8.-Select an attorney in advance to fight a potential deportation case and an attorney for your business matters.
9.-If your have a physical workspace such a store front or office, do not let immigration agents to enter the premises unless they have a warrant issued by a judge. An order of deportation signed by an immigration judge is not enough, it has to be a warrant for arrest or search warrant signed by a state or federal judge. Open spaces such as open offices, restaurants and retail are fair game for immigration agents to enter, but not private areas.
10.-Create a protocol with your personnel about engagement with authorities where you and members of your team do not run. Remain silent, ask for an attorney.
Do not get discouraged. Create community and activism to navigate the new landscape. Remember that the new administration will need to spend tons of resources to persecute few individuals and the public appetite for the deportation force may shift.
Get politically engaged. Support politicians who value immigrants’ contributions to our great nation.
About Marcos Law
Contact attorney Marcos E.Garciaacosta and Carmen Cornejo who had worked for decades as activists for immigrant rights and financially support better politicians for our communities.
Schedule a consultation to (480) 324-6378 for all business matters including the intersection of business and immigration. Do not forget that Attorney Marcos is expert in protecting intellectual property rights too!