Trademark: Is the USPTO Filing Expensive?
Trademark protection is not expensive, but an investment in your brand. Filing with USPTO require expert guidance. Call us (480)324-6378 for a consultation.
How to Get in Trouble: Trademark Infringement and COVID Parties
University fights trademark, logo infringement, while cracking down in COVID Parties.
Trademark Squatting. The Washington Redskins Confronts A Squatter
Trademark Squatting is a practice that can confront businesses with unexpected cost and hassles. Read about the Washington Redskins re-branding troubles.
Diane Von Furstenberg Saves Her Brand for the Future
Fashion icon fights to salvage her most important asset: her registered trademark and brand.
Google Widens Crack-Down Against “Fakes” and Counterfeits
The war against "fakes" or counterfeit merchandise is getting real and now involves Google. We already blogged about it. On our June 26th piece, we explained how Amazon is blocking third-party counterfeits or fake products from its platform. This action triggered...
Are Racist Trademarks and Brands Legal?
This year has been one of protests and indignation. The number of black individuals deaths by police forces across the USA shook our consciences. The Black Lives Matter protests and demonstrations against police brutality sparked also introspection into all forms...
Trump Attacks Student Visas. What Can Be Done
The Trump Administration is threaten international students legal status in the USA. What can be done.
Amazon Cracks Down on Counterfeit Products
Back in March of 2020, the US House of Representatives put forward a bill to fight fake products. Specifically, it would make e-commerce companies such as Amazon legally liable for counterfeits sold on its platform. The name of the bill is the Shop Safe Act. As a...
What the DACA Supreme Court Decision Means
SCOTUS rule to preserve DACA saving hundreds of thousands of young immigrants from deportation. What are the implications for DACA applicants?
Is the USA Military About to Start a Trademark War Against Netflix?
In December of 2019, with great fanfare, the United States Military announced the creation of a new branch to prepare the country for space warfare and named it Space Force. But there is a little problem: The name Space Force is already a registered trademark by...