Las Iglesias Deben Contratar a un Abogado. 10 Razones Importantes
Mientras que las iglesias atienden el bienestar espiritual de los individuos, su relación con el mundo real es más mundana. Legalmente hablando, las iglesias, mezquitas, sinagogas, templos, etc. están estructuradas como corporaciones sin fines de lucro, con todos...
Churches Need Lawyers. 10 Reasons They Should Work in Close Partnership
Houses of worship are corporate entities and as such, should work with a lawyer to comply with all issues of their non-profit status.
Trademark Registration Confront a Freedom of Expression Challenge at the Supreme Court
Most intellectual property news do not surface to the mainstream media and stay in the realm of niche business and IP news. But periodically, an IP story captures the media’s attention. This is the case of FUCT, a clothing line which is fighting a trademark...
Primer: Copyrights, Trademarks, and Patents
Around 500 BCE the government in Sybaris, the ancient city of Magna Graecia, started granting a one-year patent to any citizen for any “new refinement in luxury.” The Greeks, contributors of so many advances in the arts, philosophy, science, and government were the...
Some Law Firms Cashing on Possible Copyright Infringement by Bloggers
First things first. We always encourage everyone to be respectful and mindful of others' intellectual property, which in this electronic media age can be tricky. Nowadays, people can easily step into copyright infringement territory, if they are not careful....
Can You Trademark Recipes? Fire Cider Demonstrates Why it is Problematic
The New York Times frequently publishes stories about intellectual property. Even though there is a small percentage of lawyers that practice and are experts in this field, the impact of intellectual property is increasing in the economies and markets. This...
Internet Giants Oppose Copyright Law Advancing in EU
A bill, expected to be formally approved mid-March by the European Union (EU), is causing concern with big internet platforms because it makes companies liable for copyright violations. The bill is called Article 13 of the EU Copyright Directive and could make...
How Many Downloads Takes for Stardom and (Barely) a Living Wage?
The age of the electronic media and social platforms have created new spaces for creators such musicians, who may be not attached to a traditional record company, creating a more autonomous model. However, nowadays, the road to stardom and a living wage is a steep...
State Department Denying Passports to Delinquent Taxpayers
As many of 362,000 individuals could be affected by the implementation of a law passed by Congress in 2015 which allows the Department of State to deny or revoke US passports for those who owe $51,000 dollars or more to the Internal Revenue Service or IRS. The law...
Brands and Trademarks. Make Them Work for You
Both Brands and trademarks are important concepts in the business world, not only for big companies but for small business, entrepreneurs and start-ups. However, sometimes people do not understand the difference between them and use them interchangeably, blurring...