Stranger Things happen in this Bar

Oct 17, 2017

​Stranger Things happening to Netflix. Recently, a bar in Chicago opened, it called itself “The Upside Down”. As you can imagine the bar sported an atmosphere celebrating the Netflix original show Stranger Things. This venture was unknown to Netflix, and Netflix had given no permission or license to the bar owners.
A company or creator has the right to exclude or allow people to use his creations, including brands, names, images, look and feel and more. Check our article about what and how you can do that. This can include not only the appearance of a store like McDonalds, but even uniforms and designs. For a more complete explanation of what you can protect and how check this article and video presentation.
Netflix’ director of intellectual property, Bryce Coughlin, sent a cease-and- desist letter to the bar owners. A “cease-and- desist” is a legal document to halt actions that are illegal and request that you refrain from those actions. The humorous thing that Coughlin did was include Stranger Things references within the letter which made it more light-hearted. He praised the owners for having such love for the show but explained that “unless I’m living in the Upside Down, I don’t think we did a deal with you…”.
Coughlin also added in the letter to not continue the pop-up bar pass its six-week run and recommend they contact Netflix if they decide to do something similar in the
future. The letter concluded with an amusing note that “you should know that the Demogorgon is not always as forgiving. So please don’t make us call your mom”. Jared Saul, the pop-up bar owner, understands the situation and that there are no “hard feelings” towards the company.
Thank you Bhavini Misrty for your contribution with this article. 
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